If you already have BrightSign players connected to BSN.Cloud and would like to use them for Carousel Cloud that will work out perfectly. You will just need to follow the steps in Carousel Cloud Player for BrightSign but instead of applying the Device Setup and plugging in your BrightSign you will need to re-provision those players.
Head on over to the NETWORK tab in your BSN.Cloud account. Here you will find your list of connected BrightSign players. Then you will need to click the gear to edit the player you would like to re-provision.
Under the CONTROL tab, you will see the option to UPDATE under the Re-provision Device heading. Clicking this button will re-provision the device with the Device Setup you have assigned to your player in the Device Provisioning section.
When you re-provision a device that has been registered with Carousel already, you will not need to re-register. Re-provisioning a device will not delete Carousel’s registration token in the BrightSign’s registry.
Re-provisioning will take the same amount of time as the initial setup and will always install the newest version of the Carousel Cloud player software.