Carousel now integrates with Geckoboard so you can display your up-to-date dashboard metrics along with your other content with ease!
How it works
Copy your dashboard share link from Geckoboard
Log into your Geckoboard account and browse to the dashboard you wish to show in Carousel. Select Share from the upper right and copy the share link.
In Carousel, choose your desired zone and select New Bulletin > Dynamic Bulletin > Geckoboard Bulletin. Paste the Geckoboard share link into the field. Some reports take a long time to load and so selecting Always Use a Snapshot may be the best option in those cases. Enter the amount of time it takes for your report to fully load into the snapshot delay field to ensure complex reports load in time. Your bulletins can only display live on media players with an internal web browser such as a brightsign player. AppleTV media players will always use a snapshot regardless of the setting. Snapshots are refreshed approximately every 15 minutes.
Then simply select any additional bulletin settings and publish your bulletin. Now Carousel will display your Geckoboard dashboard!