Carousel Cloud supports BrightSign Media players. This article provides versioning and detailed setup instructions for setting up your BrightSign Players for use with Carousel Cloud.
Player Model Support
BrightSign Model |
Support |
Series 5 | |
XC5 |
Supported* *Rotated Video Playback is not currently supported. |
XT5 |
Supported* *Multiple Simultaneous Video Playback is not currently supported. *Rotated Video Playback is not currently supported on XT2145.
XD5 |
Supported* *Multiple Simultaneous Video Playback is not currently supported. |
HD5 |
HS5 |
LS5 |
Bluefin Brightsign Built-In (HS5)
AU5 |
Unsupported |
Series 4 | |
XT4 |
Supported |
XD4 |
Supported |
HD4 |
LS4 |
Unsupported |
HS4 |
Unsupported |
Series 3 | |
XT3 |
Supported |
XD3 |
Supported |
HD3 |
LS3 |
Unsupported |
HS3 |
Unsupported |
Series 2 | |
All Models |
Unsupported |
Series 1 | |
All Models |
Unsupported |
We require the most recent version of BrightSign Firmware available.
Important Notes
Recently, Microsoft implemented a change in PowerBI which requires a newer version of Chromium to display live reports on Brightsign Players. Brightsign is working on a firmware fix. Updates can be tracked here:
Countdown Clocks are not supported on any BrightSign players.
Inverted landscape rotation is not supported on any BrightSign players.
A BrightSign Player will set its initial output resolution based on the display to which it is connected. That can then be changed in DWS afterward if necessary. Carousel has no control over the BrightSign Players output resolution. Scaling will occur when a Carousel channel resolution is mismatched with output resolution.
Here is a KB outlining URL and port requirements for BSN Cloud: Cloud only supports the microSD storage device. Not USB or NVMe, at this time.
Any questions about BrightSign player setup should be directed to
Player Setup Instructions
1. Create a BSN Cloud Account and Network.
Start by downloading BrightAuthor:connected and create a BSN Cloud account and network using BrightSign’s instructions found here:
Additional Requirements and Info
Your BSN.Cloud user account must have permission to access and manage Device Setups, Device Provisioning, and the device Network in your Control Cloud Network.
Please see our Carousel Cloud and BSN.Cloud tutorial video for a walkthrough of these concepts.
2. Obtain the Carousel Cloud for BrightSign provisioning URL
Log into Carousel Cloud, navigate to Configure > Players, select Player Setup, and then BrightSign.
Copy the URL provided. You will enter this provisioning URL as the Custom Application URL in your BSN.Cloud device setup later on.
3. Create a Device Setup in your BrightAuthor Connected
Log into your account. From the dashboard, select Setup from the Admin drop-down.
Enter an appropriate Setup Name for your setup so you can refer to this setup later. For example, you might use: “Carousel Cloud Setup”.
Under Publishing Mode, select App URL and paste in the Carousel Cloud Provisioning URL.
Also, to ensure your player is on the latest version of BrightSign OS, click to expand BrightSign OS Update under the Player Settings, then select the Latest Released OS.
If you require specific network settings, select Include Network Configuration and enter them there.
Then, proceed one of the following two ways:
Save the setup for provisioning in BSN Cloud, select Add Setup to Library, and proceed to step 4.
Certain network configurations (such as using WiFi or enterprise network settings etc.) will require you to download the device setup files to the SD card to connect to BSN Cloud/Carousel. If this is the case, you would then select Save Setup and save them to the SD card. If downloading the setup files directly to the SD card, step 4 of this guide is optional, as the player can add itself to the BSN Cloud account used to generate the setup files. [BA Connected version 1.7+ is required for this functionality.]
4. Prepare to Provision your Device
Now, we will instruct your BSN.Cloud network to recognize your BrightSign device and provision it with the Setup you created.
Head to the Admin tab and select Provision.
Then click the Add Player button.
Add your player’s serial number, which can be found at the bottom of your BrightSign device.
Note: If you want to add more than one BrightSign at a time, upload a CSV file of your player serial numbers via the Upload Provisioning File button on the Player Provisioning screen. The Provisioning Template button will download a sample CSV file you can use as a starting point.
After clicking Add Player, you will see your newly added player in the list.
Next, select your new players, click the Apply Setup button
Then apply the Device Setup you created earlier.
Note: Remember to apply your newly created Device Setup to your devices. Otherwise, they will use the Default Setup. Double-check that the “Setup File” for each device shows the name of the Device Setup you created in step 2.
Applying a Device Setup to a device in this list does NOT immediately apply your selected setup. It simply specifies which Device Setup will be used the next time the device is provisioned. Continue to step 5 to continue provisioning up a new device. To re-provision an existing device with a new or updated Device Setup, see the Re-Provisioning section of our Re-provisioning a BrightSign for Carousel Cloud guide.
5. Provision and Register your Device
Now it’s time to fire up a player. If you have a brand new player, all you need to do is ensure it has a blank SD card inserted, then plug it into a network and power.
Note: If you are using a BrightSign Player that has been used previously, you will first need to Factory Reset the device.
Over the next 5 to 10 minutes, the BrightSign device will restart several times to configure the player. The Carousel Cloud player registration screen will be displayed at the end of the process. Then, you may follow the on-screen instructions to register your player. For large deployments, follow the steps in this article to batch register multiple players simultaneously. Once registered, it will display either your initial channel or the channel specified during batch registration.
6. Multi-Output Configuration
If your Brightsign player is equipped with multiple outputs (XT2145, XC2055, XC4055 only), they can be configured in the players settings. Simply navigate to the player dashboard and select the edit button for the player to modify its settings. Carousel will detect the number of outputs the player has and you will be able to select the number of screens (any amount up to the available number) and their orientation the settings menu. Please note, rotated video playback is not supported at his time.